
Tuesday 28 April 2020

April randomness

Well April has been rather random!!  Adjusting to a new style of living for all of us. But life goes on and the landscape, birds and animals on the island bring me solace and calm.  So here are a few photos....

There have been beautiful (though sometimes still chilly) days these last couple of weeks.  Blue sky, blue and turquoise sea like that above.  And then beautiful skies at night....

And the Hoy light aglow.....

And the garden is coming alive again.  Our growing season is probably about 6 weeks behind that of the South of England....

The daffodils are well past, but other Spring bulbs are in flower....

And my first sighting of a carder bee (ginger bees!) on the lungwort....

These beautiful miniature tulips are growing in the garden but this one got a bit battered when I was weeding so I brought it in to bring me joy....  It is a stunning little flower....

And these anemones are a delight, and love the sunshine....

And a mud pie..... ahem.... well I heard on the radio that because it is so dry at the moment that the returning swallows are struggling to find mud to build their nests.  So it was suggested to go out and make mud pies.  I have NO idea if any self respecting swallow will use this mud, but I had fun making it!  And something has been poking about in it today - probably a hen.....

And speaking of hens, you are never alone outside when you have hens and cats....

And if I'm taking too long to go outdoors there is often a reminder.....

The hens do love a good rootle around the grass though....

Meanwhile Button loves to sunbathe... oooh look at that fluffy tummy.... but however tempting it is to tickle it, I value my hands too much to even try. Learned that a looong time ago!  And yes those are dandelions.  I leave them for the bees, then pick the flowers before too many go to seed.  Though the linnets seem to love the seeds...

I think Button is giving the girls a lecture about social distancing!!

These ewes escaped from the byres today.  They are in lamb so I didn't want to startle them, but made sure they didn't go into my garden and nibble on the plants. The farmer came quickly and they were gently shepherded back to the byre.  They probably just fancied and girls afternoon out before maternal duties!

And Charlie, the barn cat, always finds a sunny spot to soak up the rays...

As does Madam Button.  Here I am telling her to get off the table (which she isn't supposed to be on!) and she's telling me to get off her case!!

The "main road" on the island!

And nope, this isn't a bottle of gin!  It's hand sanitiser - made by one of the local gin distilleries which, like many in the UK, have diversified in these tough times to make 80%+ alcohol hand sanitiser!  And very welcome it is too...

And to finish a very short video of birdsong, including a Song Thrush.....

So hope you enjoyed some randomness.  Stay safe and well!

Monday 27 April 2020

Slow Orkney (2019)

This video of Stromness was filmed over 2019.  Yes it's normally that quiet!  The lighthouse you will see is Hoy Low lighthouse on Graemsay, the shorter of the two island lights.

Enjoy! (7.10 minutes of very slow quiet film...make a cuppa and enjoy!)

Sunday 26 April 2020

An evening walk to the shore....

Golden sand on Sandside beach
This was actually last weekend but I just needed a break from the laptop, online stuff etc so afraid I didn't post it then!

Anyway, here we are at the end of April and still in lockdown.  Life for me is much as it was in that I work from home anyway.  The difference is no forays to Stromness or other places on the Orkney Mainland to meet up with pals etc on days off, no standing chatting to neighbours, or inviting them in for a coffee when they deliver parcels.  Now it's shouting down the length of the driveway. Fortunately not too windy to carry the words off. Ha! 

Anyway when all seems quiet (busy time for farmers with lambing and calving so folk out and about with tractors etc) I head off to the shore with Button.  This was a beautiful calm night...  so here are the pix...

MV Hamnavoe sailing in from the Scottish Mainland - only keyworkers or island residents are allowed to travel on the ferries.  Cargo, of course, is coming in all the time to keep the shops supplied.

Tide was out...

Old byres....

Creels to catch partans (crabs)

Button having a rest!! She loves rolling on the shell sand... maybe it's a bit like using a loofah?

The Hoy hills getting ready to hide under the duvet of cloud....

Old buildings and machinery teetering on the shore...

Night sun! Come back tomorrow (it did).

Fancy a swim - private pool - bit chilly but lovely (apparently)

Stromness and West Mainland... so near and yet so far.... especially in lockdown!

Button enjoys "taking the air"....

Panorama (click to see it enlarged)...

And now for some ewes and lambs!  I love it when the young lambs start to play in little gangs and race around the field together!

Mums checking I'm not going to steal their lambs! I wouldn't argue with them!!

Evening sky over the garden

And here is a very short video - turn the sound up.  Birds calling and the waves on the shore...

I am SO fortunate to live in this beautiful place during lockdown.  That does make life much easier and calmer for me.  That doesn't mean it's not without challenges, but I wouldn't choose to be anywhere else right now.....

Stay safe and well wherever you are.

Thursday 16 April 2020

View from above....

This wonderful photo was taken by Rob, one of the Northern Lighthouse Board engineers.  Hoy High lighthouse, Sandside (home) and the Hoy hills.  The photo was taken some weeks ago when it was particularly chilly.  Though it has to be said we had snow showers at the weekend too! 

Wednesday 15 April 2020

View from the window....

The weather isn't that conducive to getting out and about even to the garden.  So I'm mostly indoors apart from feeding the hens and Charlie the barn cat.

I'm still working nearly full time, but, like many others, I struggle to do much in "downtime".  Despite calls to "be creative" or other more productive strategies, I mumble about through a day off.  Though I have done a bit of gardening and some domestics.  However for me that is OK.  My body feels on high alert - survival strategy prepared for attack from the bears and wolves that Button tells me probably lurk in the shrubbery.  I know I am safe (as long as I don't have contact with anyone and spend hours washing shopping, mail etc! Ha!).  But still these are strange times and many people including friends and family are on the front line and in danger.  So we all have to get through this as best we can.  Which is a long winded way of saying don't expect daily posts or an increase in activity on my blog. Hahahaha! 

Back to photos..... changing weather windows.  Catkins on the willow trees, daffodils in bloom.

Meanwhile in the garden this delicate star shaped flowers bloom...

And the first cut of the grass in the garden.  I love the lichen on the wall.  The tree leaning against the wall is probably well over 80 years old - an Elder tree (appropriately enough).

I made sure I wouldn't run out of chocolate.....

Meanwhile Button suggests I just "be more cat" and sleep through it all..... wish I could..... I usually sleep pretty well, but find myself waking up often during the night time now...... ah strange times indeed.  Stay safe and well!

PS - yes sadly COVID-19 is in Orkney, 5 confirmed cases so far, though people are only tested if they are hospitalised.  And very sadly one death.  Stay inside folks!

Another view of Graemsay.....

Courtesy of Highland Aerial Views on Facebook.  The view South from Stromness, looking over the Hoy Sound towards Graemsay on the left, and Hoy beyond.  On the right (West) tip of Graemsay is Hoy Low light.

PS - yes all is going OK in lockdown on Graemsay....

Sunday 5 April 2020

And here we are still....

Sandside Bay
Yes still in Lockdown.... the new "normal".  Though farming life goes on and lambs and calves are being born on the island.

Most of us are self isolating and not leaving the island.  I got my "shielding" letter this week, which I was expecting due to severe asthma.  I'm not supposed to leave the house or garden, though I think on Graemsay I can wander down to the shore as long as no one else around.  But fear not, I have no intention of taking any chances and messing things up for myself OR anyone else.

Folk on the island are helping each other out and I'm getting deliveries from local shops and these are dropped off in my car outside.  Then brought into the porch, washed and brought into the house.  I will be OCD by the time I've finished with this!! 

Other than that my week has been "normal" as I work from home anyway.  The weather has been changeable (even for Orkney).  We had the "lambing snow" at the end of last week.  It didn't settle but was very cold and windy.  Yesterday was better, today a little chilly again.  But there are days when the sun shines and plants are popping through the soil again....

So here are some pix from this week...

Ewes and sheep in the old "Stack yard" (where the hay stacks used to be stored). This gives them some shelter for a day or two till the lambs are acclimatised a bit and then they are moved to a bigger field with the other ewes and lambs.

Willows with catkins... and new leaves, new life bursting through.

I started clearing the debris around the garden as new growth comes through.  Helped by the girls of course!!

And Charlie the barn cat finds another spot to bask in the sun and snooze.....

And I've stared planting up some seeds.  These are salad leaves, cut and come again.  Could be tricky getting salad stuff this summer so will grow more than normal I think.  Always nice to pick fresh anyway!

And That Letter - Stay at home for 12 weeks.  I can do that.... it will be challenging but.... I can do it!

And this view helps soothe my mind.....

And I have plenty of tea..... um..... I hit the wrong option when ordering tea bags.... It was accidental - honest!

And here are a few daffs from the garden, cheery flowers despite being battered by the gales....  They bring a smile to my face when I look at them....

Stay safe and well, wherever you are....