
Thursday 1 October 2020

1st October - and 1st day of retirement!!


Yup!! Today is my first day of retirement. Whoo hoo!  It's not sunk in yet really....  and in a global pandemic "future plans" aren't really under consideration.  But I'm going to enjoy a slower pace of life (yup even for me!) and not feel as if I am permanently attached to a laptop. Though I have been extremely fortunate in having an interesting job as a health researcher and being able to work from home for the last 18 years!  Well before it was "fashionable"  or the thing to do.  Of course Autumn/Winter is fast approaching but I'm hoping to make the most of daylight hours and clement weather to go out and about on Graemsay (I'm still isolating as much as possible despite low number of cases in Orkney).

And with that tenuous link - here are some photos of a recent wander around Graemsay when there was a considerable amount of low cloud about!  Looking across Burra Sound towards Moaness on Hoy.

The old croft of Dean.....

The Hoy hills shrouded in cloud.....

Ward hill on Hoy beneath the cloud.... Dean from the old quarry.  Heather in bloom....

Barely a ripple on the water in the old quarry.... No dragons today though.....

Looking over to Hoy High lighthouse, Sandside, and the Community Hall (green building)

The old Manse on the right, and in the distance, again Hoy High lighthouse, Sandside and the Community hall....

Hoy in the distance, and the turf-roofed Scarratain in the mid distance...

Traditional turf room over flagstones - excellent loft insulation!

Seals hauled out on the skerries (rocks).  October is pupping season....

Seals with cormorants....

Looking over towards the Hoy hills....

The old sail shed at the bottom of Windbreck hill on Graemsay.  Orphir hills on the Orkney Mainland in the distance....

Old boat winch used to bring the yoles and other boats up above the high tide line....

Hope you enjoyed a slightly different tour of the island.... 


  1. Congratulations, wishing you a long and healthy retirement.

  2. Oh, congratulations on your retirement. In my experience, it takes a year to sink in - maybe more. How I wish I could come and walk round your island!

    1. Yes I can understand that. I'm 3 weeks in and it still feels like I am on holiday with the urge to get jobs done before "returning to work"!

  3. Always love your photo tours. Thank you. Congratulations and good luck on your retirement.

  4. Ah! Carpe diem et noctem! Enjoy your very new kind of freedom. My good thoughts are with you, Sian.

  5. Congratulations I'm sure you will enjoy every minute of it. Even more time to enjoy your beautiful surroundings.

    1. Yes I'm really lucky to be living here. And am enjoying a slower pace of life already... (er yes even slower than normal - I must have sloth DNA...)

  6. Congratulations, you'll soon be wondering how you ever had the time to work, enjoy.

    1. Thank you! Mmmm well I'm determined not to take on too much for the first year. But I am finding the time a task takes expands in the time there is to do it in...

  7. Great to hear you have joined the retirement ranks! Definitely my favourite time of life, hope you really enjoy it!

  8. Wonderful images ! Thanks for taking me with you (by the photos) around your beautiful island :)

    1. Thank you. And thanks for your kind words.

  9. Enjoy your retirement in good health.
    All the best
