
Saturday 10 October 2020

Sailing to Stromness


Enjoyed my first week of retirement!  And great excitement - I had a brief visit to Stromness for a flu jab. I haven't left Graemsay since the beginning of March fso it was an adventure.  There have been no cases of Covid-19 in Orkney for some months but I still prefer to be cautious, hence not leaving Graemsay.  But medical appointments are an exception so off I headed.  I'd chosen the quickest route on the ferry (15 minute journey each way) and was only in Stromness for an hour.  But as well as getting my flu jab I also managed a socially distanced coffee and cake outside my favourite cafe (Julia's) with a couple of friends I hadn't seen since March.  Ooh it was exciting!  

I was impressed with all the precautions on the ferry and about town, lots of mask wearing, social distancing, hand sanitiser etc and not very many people about in the area I was. I may have a couple more appointments in the coming months so will be less concerned about venturing forth than I was this time.  Though obviously the level of cases in the county also changes the level of risk, so we shall see.

Currently all the schools are back, shops open etc.  Though people are advised still to work from home and only travel if necessary but there are no restrictions on coming into or out of Orkney.  In Scotland we are currently in a "circuit-breaker" lockdown with restrictions on pubs and restaurants etc, All controversial of course but I don't envy any of the politicians or policy-makers having to make the decisions - even with all the science......

Anyway here are some photos from my sail to and from Stromness! Enjoy the voyage.....

Hoy High lighthouse, and the brooding Hoy hills.

Hoy High lighthouse 

A sunbeam shines down on Sandside - maybe Button is beaming down some friends?!  Hoy High lighthouse next door

Atmospheric shots!

Hoy Low lighthouse on the West end of Graemsay...

Hoy Low light at the end of Graemsay and the Stromness Beacon

Heading to town....

Stromness beacon and Golf course.....

Stromness - Hamnavoe ferry in the harbour

My favourite house - the grey and red building...

The harbour

The Red Shed - the former Lifeboat Station

Boats in the harbour...

And on the way home lots of boxes of groceries for Graemsay and Hoy (including my shopping from the Coop!).

Hope you enjoyed your sail to Stromness!


  1. I did! I love Orkney. Sigh. Congratulations on your retirement!

    1. Thank you! 3 weeks in and I'm still enjoying it!

  2. Its a beautiful light in some of those photos. I can imagine it was exciting after not being there for 6 months. You must be in one of the best places at the moment.

    1. The light in Orkney is just gorgeous. Even in the summer the sun doesn't get that high as we are so far North, so there are some wonderful effects of light and low sun.

  3. I really did. Glad you were able to make the journey, it will do you good to get out and about a little particularly has the risk is low in Orkney at the moment.

    1. Yes enjoyed my jaunt. Am planning on hunkering down for winter now but that's fine too.
