
Sunday 6 June 2021

Around about....


The weather has improved and I have been out and about so look out for some photos over coming posts!  But for now here are some more photos of Button and the hens....  oh and some sunsets.....

This was taken at 11pm.  I love the "simmer dim" - the endless lightness of the sky in summer.

And now for a sunRISE..... 4am ..... not often I see the sunrise in the summer!

As most gardeners know - we rarely get time to sit on the bench, that is left to others....

A bit of a preening session in the garden

Button has found the hedgehog tunnel!

A bit of overcrowding in the nesting box!

That's a bit more orderly.....

A visitor - pheasant!

Ladies enjoying a wander among the bluebells

The Hamnavoe ferry sailing into Stromness on a silvery sea

And after a day's excursion exploring - time for a nap...

1 comment:

  1. You must just take in the sunrise and split your sleep in half! I've knocked out another poem blog btw sorry, Button - no cat ones this time.
