
Friday 11 June 2021

Some photos NOT from Graemsay.... part 1


Last week I went adventuring on the Orkney Mainland and here are a few photos.  This is Happy Valley, in the parish of Stenness.  Take a few minutes to read the story about Edwin Harrold of Happy Valley on this great local site   Happy Valley is a hidden gem, pretty well hidden.  And the car park is tiny - just 5 cars able to pull in. It most definitely is off the beaten track and it's deliberate to keep it that way.

Above is the burn that runs through the valley.  It's pretty low at the moment as there has been little rain. Something farmers are fretting about.  The first silage cut for animal feed is undertaken in early June and it's a very short cut.  This cut is often used for the dairy cows as it's very rich.   The cow pellet feed they get as a supplement just can't beat proper grass!

A carpet of bluebells just makes my heart sing!

This was Edwin's former home.  It was part of a conservation project a few years ago to maintain the building.  I don't think it is used for any purpose but nice to see it cared for.

Snuggling under the trees there....

A turf roof over flagstones is a traditional method in Orkney to insulate a roof!

An old implement among the bluebells

There are lots of different paths through the wood

That carpet again....

A Monkey Puzzle Tree! Er no not native to Orkney.  But doing OK here!

Another of the woodland paths

This is a bridge and small waterfall over the burn.  But there were other folk around so I didn't stop to take more photos (social distancing and all that).  Next time.

(ahem..... Tom and Rhonda wrote up a tour of Graemsay too if you'd like a little detour after this post. Hee hee! ) 


  1. Amazing! What an unexpected paradise, a garden of Eden in the middle of nothing!

  2. The trees took my eye. What an innovative man - created his own hydro electric system! Great post.

  3. Trees! And the shade of trees--not something I expected to see here.

  4. What an interesting place and now owned by the people of Orkney. The roof structures on those houses must have been so strong to support all that weight.
