
Wednesday 23 February 2022

Wind and rain....


I know in Orkney we have been very fortunate regarding the weather.  Despite several storms, we are better prepared than South, and have fewer trees to cause damage and chaos.  Most folk here have fared OK.  We know to put trampolines and garden furniture away by October or find them strewn about the countryside! And anything that has to be outside (like wheelie-bins for rubbish) are staked and have heavy stones to weight down the lids!  So we have got off lightly and also avoided the snow.... Some ferries have been cancelled due to tide and wind, but largely everything has gone on as normal.

Having said all that, PLEASE can it stop being wet and windy.... my lungs are very unhappy..... We get wet and windy weather every winter but this February it has been continuous!  Almost no calm days of respite.  I am SO done with February now!  

Anyway, here are a few photos I was able to take about two weeks ago on a rare calm interlude! I was out on my still-on-loan electric trike and went adventuring.

Above - Hoy Low lighthouse and looking across to the Orkney West Mainland. Below, Hoy Low...

Zwarbtle sheep leading the charge (a very slow and sedate charge!)

I had my trusty e-Trike on standby for a quick getaway!

A male Stonechat, chittering on the fence to his mate who is just out of shot.

Remains of the WWII defenses at Hoy Low.

Looking across the muddy field to Ward hill on Hoy.

Snow atop Ward Hill

Looking across Burra Sound to Hoy

And on the other side of the island, Hoy High, with Stromness in the background.

Hoy High again.  The yellow triangle marks where the electricity cable comes over from the Orkney Mainland.

Back at home at Sunset....

And mist hanging over Orphir

Thursday 10 February 2022

And more recently.....


A few photos around Sandside.....  above - sunrise....  Below, the boys (Yacob and Beuy) keeping an eye on me!


These days Button can only hunt at ground level, but that doesn't stop her, nor reduce her success rate, rather surprisingly.

She may have lost her "spring" but there is nothing wrong with her hunting ears, eyes and nose - nor those jaws....

Oh the joy of a calm day..... down at the old lighthouse pier at Sandside.

Signs of Spring!  These are tete-a-tete dwarf narcissi.  They really cheer me up!

A miniature Iris hunkering down among the willow trees.

Tiny buds appearing on the willow....

These are shop bought - from the local Co-op.  But I love the smell of  Daffs so had to have some!

Big skies over Stromness and Graemsay.  A blustery day, but higher winds forecast.....

Wednesday 9 February 2022

Out and about (a bit)....


As I said in my previous post, the weather hasn't been conducive to being out and about either on Graemsay or the Orkney Mainland.  But here are a few photos from recent weeks to give a flavour of the end of January, beginning of February on the island.  

Above and in the photos below, looking across Burra Sound to the islands of Hoy

Below, the old Kirk on Graemsay

Looking down towards Scapa Flow

The old croft of  Moan between the willow trees.

And looking up the road to Quoynanap

Some days have seen blue skies and calmer seas..... Looking towards home.

The view between the handlebars!

Heading home - one of my favourite views.....

Tuesday 8 February 2022

Blustery days.....


There have been a lot of blustery days this last month.  Orkney winters are known for being wet and windy.  January and February are often the windiest months and that is certainly true this year.  Persistent gales with the odd day of calm.  So I haven't been out and about much at all.  Barely out on the trike, and only one short visit to Stromness since Christmas.  Bit bored with it now, but I'm still fairly happy to be hibernating and not needing to go anywhere. 

Anyway - 3 pictures that epitomize a gale...... above - waves crashing over the "main road" on Graemsay at high tide. Wish some light snow on the Hoy hills (we have had very little snow so far...)

And our ferry valiantly sailing back to Stromness.....  Hoy Sound is comparatively sheltered.  Generally the skippers of our ferry have worked on deep sea fishing boats in the past, so this is just a gentle breeze to them!  Their passengers often think otherwise.....