
Friday 15 April 2022

Back on the trike!


So after two weeks off the trike due to my off-roading capsize I was back in the saddle, literally, yesterday.  A few muscles still a bit sore but more or less recovered.  I'm sticking to the tarmac roads on the island, though.

Spring is slowly (very slowly) springing.  Yesterday and this morning were lovely, this afternoon the wind got up and it rained...again...  but... here are some sunny photos!

Daffodils, celandines and primroses are blooming along the verges.

Blue sky and blue sea oh how I have missed you!

Lambing in full swing on the island too...


  1. Well done. Good to see (but don't drink and drive, or ride :)

  2. good to hear you're back on the trike. Just enjoy it and no off roading , well not just yet!!!

  3. I used to raise sheep, oh the joy of lambs hopping around, nursing, tail wagging. Your sunny pictures are magazine cover worthy. Would that one could be magically transported to your location. It takes the bad days to make the goid days so much more appreciated. Thanks for your blog, really enjoy it. I live in Maryland, in the city. Ann
