
Tuesday 3 May 2022

Graemsay randomness


Graemsay can be a bit random, though this post title refers to random photos taken over the last couple of weeks.  My blogging record isn't great this year.  To be honest that's largely down to the weather.  We are having a LOT of very grey days (and trust me there are more than 50 shades of it too!). Photos look so flat in that light that I really haven't been taking many, even though I have been out and about on my trike and with the van.  Anyway, the farming calendar continues with lambing and calving, and there have been some lovely skies.  So here is the random selection! (Today it's 8 degrees C, and grey - someone sent sunshine and warmth.... so over this now!).

Ewes and lambs - to the right is a wee lamb sitting in a tub.... not just cats that like boxes then...

These ewes and lambs are in this old stack yard to give them a bit of shelter.  They are ewes or lambs that have had a bit of a problem and need some extra tlc.  After a couple of days they are out in the main field with the rest of the flock.

On the left the sun is about to set, and on the right the haar (sea mist) is racing in!

More mistiness over Stromness

Hoy High, two rams and the mist over Orphir

Another day another sunset....

Hoy under the duvet....

Dog violets along the edge of the road in Graemsay

Last year's young stock have been turned out into the fields.  Rain desperately needed for the grass to come through though.

And as cows calve, they and their young ones are turned out into the fields too.

Sandside bay and the "main road"...


  1. Always love the 'main road'🤣

    1. I know, it always makes me smile too.

  2. More lovely photos from you. Thanks so much. It's been gray here in the Hudson Valley and often chilly and rainy. But next week we're supposed to have a few days in the 80s!!! WTH? Hope you get more sun, too.

    1. Goodness yes your weather sounds all over the place! Ours is too. A couple of days of warm sunshine and today wet and windy. Gah!

  3. Lovely as always
