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Monday 6 May 2024

R.I.P. Madam Button


Very sadly I had to say goodbye to Madam Button, my little sea cat, a couple of weeks ago.  She was 18 years old, and had a very active life until recently.  She had a bad infection last October and to be honest I was surprised she rallied so well from that - I should have known better.  She was always a very persistent cat.  She had a good quality of life up to recently despite various health problems, but it became clear that her time had come.  

I made the decision over a weekend and spent that time snuggled with her whenever she wanted.  I think we both said our goodbyes that weekend. 

She was as bright as a - well - Button on the dreaded morning.  Had a second breakfast, made her presence knowm by demanding I get up!   I arranged for the vet to come to the house and it was all very calm, and very peaceful at the end.  Which is all any of us can ask for.  The last kindness is the hardest.

We had been together just under 16 years, most of that time on Graemsay.  She was a remarkable cat, very determined, always the boss.  Made me laugh every single day.  She is a great miss. Run free sweet girl.

So here are a few photos of her life on Graemsay.

That time she climbed down the side of the pier!!

Sqweeee - haha....

Watch out for the hens, Button!

Soaking up the sun....

The starlings nested in the pier so she was always wondering if she could get to them!

Still trying to keep her paws dry while exploring.

Searching for Owl and a pea green boat...

Action shot of her hunting a field mouse!

Hunting mice in the byres

Unimpressed with snow.....

But still up for a walk to the shore...

Sleeping on the netting protecting tender plants - fail!

Her favourite morning spot in summer.

Let. Me. In.... NOW!

And more recently in our "retirement" - she enjoyed snoozing in the sun, watching the world go by and inspecting the perimeter of the catio.....

I started this blog a few months before she arrived on Graemsay, and though this blog wasn't about her (though she thought so!) I feel it's now an appropriate time to close this blog.  End of an era for both of us.

Thank you to all my followers over the years, and all the lovely comments.  Wishing everyone well in these uncertain times.  

Tuesday 20 February 2024

Sun dog!


The sun is out today (ssshhh) and it reminded me to post a picture of the sky last week.  The "halo" around the sun is known as a sun dog - light refracting on ice crystals in the atmosphere.  In the middle is the beginning of a light pillar.  Amazing to see.

PS thanks for the welcome back....

Monday 19 February 2024

It's February!


Just popping in to say all is OK here.  As you can see I lost my blogging mojo over the Winter.  Time will tell whether it will return.  However I've had some kind emails and comments from folk concerned about me and Button so thought I ought to report in!

It's been a tough winter this year weather wise.  Everyone, even experienced Orkney farmers are saying the same.  Constant gales with barely a break, rain, two lots of snow (not that common Orkney), more rain. January felt as though it went on 478 days, whereas February is galloping by.

I struggle in Winter anyway, with low mood, and my lungs really don't like the wind, or damp weather.  Fortunately my wee house is warm and cosy and Button and I have just hunkered down and are awaiting Spring.

Button was unwell in October, November time and I did wonder if she would see Christmas.  However she has rallied, and is her usually demanding, bossy self again.  She is 18 years old, has lost a lot of weight, sleeps a lot, but still has a good quality of life so we take it day by day.

Anyway these are photos from a brief walk to the shore near the house this morning.  A lull in the weather - though I can hear the wind getting up in the chimney again..... ho hum....

The island of Copinsay is peeping round the corner of these cliffs at Dingieshowe.

And some scenic beach photos, among the marram grass.

The wind was catching the tops of the waves.....

Button in her "garden ornament" pose.  Taken recently - she hates the wind, rain, snow etc so spends most of her time snoozing, awaiting Spring... But she pops out on the rare calm, sunny days for some fresh air!

And the Ginger Boys stay snuggled in the barn in their straw beds.  

And look forward to breakfast....

So thanks for your concern.  As I say all ok here.  Hoping to pop back in a few days and post some snow photos!  Bring on Spring!! Please....

Friday 20 October 2023

Storm Babet....


Courtesy of Graham Campbell

Despite gale force winds in Orkney we appear to have escaped (so far) the flooding that is seen across other parts of Scotland and indeed England and Ireland.  Gusts were over 70mph and the seas have been huge.  All ferries to Scotland and the islands have been cancelled but planes have still been flying - hmm wouldn't fancy being on them!  

These photos were taken by Graham Campbell, a local chap who loves being out and about and taking photos of wildlife and scenery.

Photo courtesy of Graham Campbell

Photo courtesy of Graham Campbell

I have been cosily hunkered down in my wee hobbit house.  I've been out to fee the garage boys, Ronnie and Reggie, though being semi-feral they are happy to go out and about and shelter in the grass. 

Ronnie is hard core and out demanding breakfast despite a 53mph gale...

His brother Reggie stays tucked up in the garage until I appear....

Button prefers to stay indoors now anyway but does like the window open to "take the air".  Thankfully this is the sheltered side of the house!

The windows are covered in salt so I took the opportunity to take a photo while the window was open, though the sky was blue later when I took the photo of Burton!

The wind starts to die down overnight, and a mere 40mph tomorrow - a good drying day for the washing... hee hee.  Much calmer for a few days after that.  Though I think we get heavy rain then but not to the extent of South.

Friday 22 September 2023

Ooops - September....


Where did it go?! Haven't been out and about that much as still dealing with post-covid fatigue, but feeling better daily so that's positive. 

Autumn has arrived in Orkney after a lovely summer of sunshine, no wind, and warm (for Orkney) temperatures.  Autumn equinox this weekend.  Yikes!  Have noticed the nights drawing in.

Anyway - as I don't have many pictures for this month here are some from the end of August when I was last out and about.

These photos are taken down at the tip of South Ronaldsay, one of the linked South Isles.  The Sands of Wright is a favourite place of mine, and since I moved it's much closer!

The view from Freda!

Sailing away....

I love the sandy beach....

It's a popular spot for campers and you can see why.

People on the beach - I'm not used to that!

Rocky coastline...

Freda living life on the edge...


It doesn't show up well but the heather was out on the hill....

And just along the road is home to Snow White and her friends, post Disney success they sought a quieter life I think. LOL!

Thursday 31 August 2023

A wander about...


The weather was lovely while I was poorly with Covid. And after a few days I was able to wander about the house and up to the dunes where it is usually pretty quiet in the evening.  During the day it's a favourite haunt of dog walkers, families on the beach and visitors.  But in the evening, although there may be a few camper vans in the nearby carpark or the odd tent among the dunes, it is generally peaceful and I have it to myself. Here are a few photos from my wanderings....

Overlooking St Peter's Pool

At Dingieshowe, looking out to the island of Copinsay.

And just to show it isn't ALWAYS sunny.... a dreich day... and yes that's a bleached rib of a whale by the gabions.  And the road the other side of the wall.

I love teasels, as do the bees!

And finally, Madam Button in an existential ennui....